Located in White Rock, Los Alamos County, New Mexico. In this small comfortable studio, learn yoga at your own pace without feeling stressed, embarrassed, or inadequate.
Julie Parkinson - Yoga Instructor
I began Yoga on a whim by invitation from a co-worker. That day, I got the same reaction in my body from Yoga that I get from a massage – I could feel the toxins being released from my muscles and organs. Turns out Yoga affects my mind as well. As I have continued practicing Yoga, the chaos in my mind has unwound. Instead of anger being my go-to emotion, I experience many more feelings, including sadness, compassion, and contentment. Indeed, Yoga has changed my life. It began 14 years ago and has come to fruition as I became a certified instructor in February 2019 through 3B Yoga in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Since then, I have enjoyed teaching in my home studio, at the White Rock Senior Center, and at the Los Alamos Public Schools, offering classes to all ages and abilities. There are three main components in my Yoga philosophy. To define Yoga as a breathing, moving meditation is one component that has kept me coming back to the practice. I have noticed that my mind is calmer after Yoga; my perspective on life and living has changed. It is true, Yoga calms the chaos in our minds and allows us to see the world with more clarity. The second component in my Yoga philosophy is that Yoga is for everyone. No matter where a person is in life, whether young or old, strong or weak, flexible or brittle, anyone can try Yoga. Through proper alignment and modifications, practicing Yoga can improve our health and allow us to become who we truly want to be. Of course, we are all different! We need to honor these differences and revel in our unique Self as we practice Yoga with compassion for our minds and bodies. In his book Yoga Sutras, Patanjali begins with the sutra that is the third component of my Yoga philosophy: Now is the time for Yoga. This blanket statement covers it all – there is no time like the present to practice Yoga. Do not put it off. Lets improve ourselves now. So what are you waiting for? Come and be a Yogi with me!